Ranya Abedelmalik | رانيا رفعت عبد الملك

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About Ranya

Ranya is currently a junior at Shortridge High School. She has a deep passion for advocacy as well as business and technology. Her goal is to merge her leadership skills as well as her interests in technology, business, and community development to fully harness the great potential of the city of Indianapolis. Her post highschool plans include attending the Wharton School of UPenn. Her interests include music and traveling. She loves learning about new cultures and languages. She speaks English, Arabic, and Spanish, she is seeking to one day learn French and Mandarin.

Nextech Catapult Program

Summer 2018
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The heat can't stop us!

The Nextech Catapult program contains a 6-week summer internship that enhances the knowledge of computer science skills as well as technical and workplace skills. The Catapult program allowed me to fully get a feel of how companies functions and how many different jobs each company has to offer. The program not only helped me build professional connections but friendships with teenagers who are interested in the same things as me.

Most Recent Accomplishment

Mayors Youth Leadership Council 2018-2019

The voice of the youth is the most important voice. Because of the Mayors Youth Leadership Council, Mayor Joe Hogsett proclaimed June 22nd as Youth Leadership Day. Being a part of this council means a lot to me because I am a firm believer that the voice of the youth can create positive change and a tremendous influence.